DiarBid Woman with Parrot Bird - Artwork - Figurative Art - DiarBid Art House

Woman with Parrot Bird - Artwork

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This painting beautifully captures an Afro-American woman with a vibrant parrot, set against a lush rainforest backdrop. The scene evokes a fantastical world dominated by shades of blue and indigo. In this world, animals and humans coexist as best friends, with human nature and the wild working in perfect harmony. It's a vision of balance, where nature and humanity thrive together, a world I wish we could all live in. Created with oil paints on canvas using a palette knife, this artwork features rich texture and volume, resulting in a unique, striking effect. The piece measures 70 x 80 cm, and a layer of semi-gloss varnish has been applied to enhance the vibrancy of the colours and offer a durable, protective finish.

United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Art Type
• Figurative Art
• Oil on Canvas
• Unique (One-of-a-Kind Piece)
• Blue
• Indigo
• Yellow
• Mixed Colors
Frame Material
• No Frame
• Fully Insured
• 80 cm
• 70 cm
• 2 cm

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